Share Your Story of Recovery

The Professionals Recovery Network of Oregon is currently collecting stories of Oregon pharmacists in recovery. Please consider providing us with a brief, ANONYMOUS story of your recovery to inspire hope in fellow licensed professionals. With your permission, PRN would place your story on the website to provide guidance and hope for people who are new to the recovery process.

All stories are reviewed by PRN, and edited for length and inclusion on our website. When completing the 4th and 5th Steps in the 12 Steps, a recovery story necessarily includes detail, and can be lengthy. For the website, we are seeking “bite-sized” versions that can convey the basics of the recovery process.

However, the minimum we seek is:

1. A paragraph about how it was when the disease was active,
2. A paragraph about what happened to change the course, and
3. A paragraph about how it is now that you are in recovery.

Remember that details about how your practice was affected will help other licensed professionals identify with your story.

When you have a completed a short version of your recovery story, please email it to PRN Board Member, Chris O’Neill.

Thanks for your help!

  • Reach a trained recovery support professional ready to help you right now:



  • Find a recovery support group with other licensed professionals
    just like you:

    Find a Support Group

  • Join us for upcoming recovery support activities offered around the state of Oregon:

    Calendar of Events